Friday, October 31, 2003

Xindice Browser
Thinking about Xindice for storing test messages for PRS. It could do a good job of keepting them in one common place. Test data would be easily retrieved from the DB.

Thursday, October 30, 2003

This introductory article gives a quick overview of JUnit.Test Infected: JUNit

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Db2 Fix End reason codes
- Need to change fix end reason codes (Database/DB2/CodeSetsDML/Test/fixendreasons.sql)

update grs_ct_leaf set end_reason_code = null where end_reason_code = '';
update grs_ct_leaf_Supp set end_reason_code = null where end_reason_code = '';
update GRS_PARTY_DETAILS set end_reason_code = null where end_reason_code = '';
update GRS_REGISTRY_USERS set end_reason_code = null where end_reason_code = '';
update GRS_CONS_PROF_GRP_DESCS set end_reason_code = null where end_reason_code = '';
update grs_addresses set end_reason_code = null where end_reason_code = '';
update grs_consumer_profiles set end_reason_code = null where end_reason_code = '';
update grs_data_element_permissions set end_reason_code = null where end_reason_code = '';
update grs_Ct_tables set end_reason_code = null where end_reason_code = '';
update grs_data_source_prof_descs set end_reason_code = null where end_reason_code = '';
update grs_src_qual_data_elements set end_reason_code = null where end_reason_code = '';
update grs_distribution_profiles set end_reason_code = null where end_reason_code = '';
update grs_electronic_addresses set end_reason_code = null where end_reason_code = '';
update grs_org_names set end_reason_code = null where end_reason_code = '';
update grs_person_names set end_reason_code = null where end_reason_code = '';
update grs_telephones set end_reason_code = null where end_reason_code = '';
update prs_conditions set end_reason_code = null where end_reason_code = '';
update prs_confidentiality_indicator set end_reason_code = null where end_reason_code = '';
update prs_demographic_details set end_reason_code = null where end_reason_code = '';
update prs_disciplinary_actions set end_reason_code = null where end_reason_code = '';
update prs_notes set end_reason_code = null where end_reason_code = '';
update prs_provider_Credentials set end_reason_code = null where end_reason_code = '';
update prs_provider_expertises set end_reason_code = null where end_reason_code = '';
update prs_provider_relationships set end_reason_code = null where end_reason_code = '';
update prs_statuses set end_reason_code = null where end_reason_code = '';
update prs_provider_sub_roles set end_reason_code = null where end_reason_code = '';
update prs_work_location_details set end_reason_code = null where end_reason_code = '';
update grs_registry_users set end_reason_code = null where end_reason_code = '';
update grs_party_details set end_reason_code = null where end_reason_code = '';
Not doing this means that consumer_profile_group queries don't return data in DB2.

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Get older WEbsphere files from here.
websphere files
Aaron has this socket exampe.
Microsoft has published an article on Migrating from CF to .Net.

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Here is how to create an EJB. in ColdFusion.

cfset props = createObject("java","java.util.Properties")>
cfset props.init()>
cfset Context = structNew()>
cfset Context.PROVIDER_URL = "">
cfset temp = props.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY,"")>
cfset temp = props.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL,"iiop://")>
cfset ctx = CreateObject("java","javax.naming.InitialContext")>
cfset temp = ctx.init(props)>

cfset myObj = ctx.lookup("com/grs/bean/registryuser/queryregistryuser/QueryRegistryUserHome")>

cfset myBean = myObj.create()>
cfdump var="#grsEnvironment#">

cfset result = myBean.QueryRegistryUser(mt961010,grsEnvironment)>
cfcatch type="any">
cfoutput>#cfcatch.message#, #cfcatch.type#
J2EE(tm) Developer's Guide

The shipper class is an EJB, and is called by an EJB client.
What I cannot figure out is how to do this in CFMX>
try {
Context initial = new InitialContext();
Object objref = initial.lookup("MyShipper");

---> ShipperHome home =

Shipper shipper = home.create("Helena");

shipper.shipItem("123", 9);

It's just not clear how you can call that in CFMX

Friday, October 03, 2003

I finally got a cfx socket connection working to PRS today. Now that I have the XML object back, I can grab some fields from it by using the ColdFUsion parsing functions, and then send back a second request.

I need to find a neat way of grabbing the xml messages to send though. It's all driven through parameters of course, and there doesn't seem to be any point in re-creating messages. I need to look and see if the XSL transformations are going to help me.
Welcome to GoLiveHeaven
Good GoLive site
Digital Film Comparison: Page 1. Compact Flash [Digital Photography Review]
This article tries to show how fast different types of flash cards are.
Benorama :: ColdFusion MXColdFusion best practices.
If you find that the CFX tag throws an error about com.allaire.cfx.CustomTag must be implemented, then you need to put the cfx.jar file in the classpath too.
I installed ColdFusion MX on Websphere. If you then want to use a CFX tag, you have to register the tag in the administrator. If the tag can't be found, you get a slightly cryptic "cfx_cfx_tagname" cannot be found in the database error. The fix is to make sure that path to the class file that implements the cfx tag is in the classpath.